"The state-of-the-art instruments are invaluable to researchers, saving time and yielding high-quality results," he said. Hameed describes China's research and development (R&D) environment as ...
The Shenzhen -Zhongshan Link (ShenZhong Link), a mega cross-sea project in Guangdong province, south China, consists of an underwater tunnel, two bridges, and two artificial islands.
Sci-tech popularization is a fundamental task needed to achieve innovative development. Chinese Minister of Science and Technology, Yin Hejun, said the law's draft revision has added two new chapters, ...
While the world's eyes are on the 31st Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting in Lima, Peru, few perhaps are aware of intense work going on under the shadow of the Andes ...
Gérard Creuzet, a prominent French physicist and industrialist, recently took time out to share his inspiring journey of collaboration with China. Currently president of the Île-de-France Photovoltaic ...
Despite substantial divergence of opinion among the bloc, the EU has forged ahead and still finalized its hefty tariffs on electric vehicles (EVs) imported from China for a period of five years. The ...
The seventh China International Import Expo (CIIE) saw record-breaking numbers of participants and transactions, demonstrating China's commitment to further opening up its enormous market. As the ...
据悉,中俄东线沿线36台大功率压缩机组全部选用国产设备,离心式压缩机、高速同步电机、变频器等关键部件拥有100%自主知识产权。其中,国家管网集团自主研发的管道核心控制系统具备每秒24万点数据更新能力,集成的调控专业应用计算延迟达毫秒级,管道“神经中枢 ...
“中方愿同各方一道行动起来,建设一个共同发展的公正世界,让贫困成为过去,让美好愿景成为现实。”在前不久举行的二十国集团领导人里约热内卢峰会上,习近平主席分享中国打赢脱贫攻坚战的宝贵经验,宣布中国支持全球发展的八项行动,兼济天下的人类情怀得到国际社会广泛赞誉。在人类反贫困斗争中,中国创造了彪炳史册的人间奇迹,同时通过共建“一带一路”等平台促进国际减贫合作,积极帮助广大发展中国家改善民生,实现共同发展 ...