Our ambition is to create an inclusive environment where everyone can develop skills and achieve their potential. To mark ...
As one of the most significant innovations of recent years, AI is becoming ubiquitous and GenAI is already having a major ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a new era of computing where interacting with computers is becoming more natural and ...
J.B. : We conduct research to meet current tech challenges and plan for the future. We operate in a constantly changing world, where technologies and uses are changing rapidly. Research plays a key ...
L'intelligence artificielle (IA) représente une nouvelle ère de l'informatique où les interactions avec les ordinateurs ...
From 19 to 21 November 2024 at the Porte de Versailles, Orange welcomes you to our stand A11, Pavilion 4, or to the conferences we’re hosting, to discover more about smart cities and territories. Come ...
Regards sur les possibilités infinies de l'IA au service des collectivités L’IA : après fascination et appréhension, c'est l'heure du passage à la mise en Å“uvre concrète. De manière certaine, ...