The Drama Group’s production of “Bright Star,” a story of love, redemption and resilience, will take audiences to the Blue ...
Flossmoor School District 161 Board of Education will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2 at Normandy Villa, 41 E. Elmwood Drive, ...
South Suburban Housing Center (SSHC) reached a settlement with the owners and management of Twin Oaks West Apartments, a 200-unit apartment complex in Joliet, resolving complaints of housing ...
Dear Editor, I am a parent and teacher living in Flossmoor. The older our kids get, the more present smartphones and social media are in their lives. I’ve seen my kids lose sleep, worry about their ...
Members of the Homewood Business Association are ready for customers who shop local on Small Business Saturday, Nov. 30. HBA ...
Sunday, Dec. 1 South Holland Master Chorale Concert. The South Holland Master Chorale will present “Joy and Fanfare” at 4 p.m ...
Flossmoor Veterans’ Memorial, Inc. (FVM) is targeting a record-breaking $7,500 Giving Tuesday fundraising goal with the theme ...
Let’s put on a play!” And so, on Friday evening, Nov. 22, 18 kids under the age of 10 took to the stage of the Flossmoor ...
With the holiday shopping season upon us and bargain hunters doing their best to find deals online, the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) is reminding taxpayers to remain vigilant against ...